Occupational Therapy - How we can help you

Our passionate and experienced Occupational Therapists skilfully support participants to reach their personal goals. They support people to live a fulfilling and meaningful life through finding ways to enhance their day to day life and social connectivity.

We provide community based services in metropolitan Adelaide, the Fleurieu Peninsula, Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley, Clare Valley and Riverland.

We offer a wide range of services including functional capacity & housing, sensory, assistive technology and wheelchair & seating assessments, capacity building, upper limb therapy, minor home modifications and manual handling plans & training.

We also offer Occupational Therapy services for paediatric clients. Click the link below to find out more!

Occupational therapist performing client assessment

Occupational Therapy Services We Offer Adult Participants

  • (Including Housing Recommendations)

    Our occupational therapists provide comprehensive assessments of your functional capacity and produce tailored and thorough reports to submit to the NDIS. We work with you to determine all your daily living and capacity building needs to ensure that you receive the appropriate funding to reach your goals. We utilise gold standard outcome measures as appropriate for the individual participant (Vineland-3, ABAS-3, MoCA).

    We also make recommendations regarding housing to support participants who are applying for Individualised Living Options (ILO), Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).


  • Sensory processing is the way that a person perceives, processes and organises the information that they receive through their senses – hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste and movement. This sensory information comes from one’s own body and the environment around you.

    Our Occupational Therapists will ask the participant or their caregiver questions and will assess the answers to determine whether there are any sensory processing patterns in terms of strengths and difficulties. This information can be used to ensure that coping strategies and plans are implemented to support your sensory needs.


  • Assistive technology is any specialised equipment that enhances the learning, working and daily living for people with disabilities. It includes simple equipment such as a shower chair or walking stick as well as more complex and specialised equipment such as a powered wheelchair.

    Our occupational therapists work with you to determine whether assistive technology suits your needs.

  • Our Occupational Therapists can work with you to improve your capacity to independently complete activities of daily living. This may include more simple tasks such as showering or more complex tasks such as catching public transport or gaining employment. Our Occupational Therapists will learn about your abilities and challenges and formulate a plan to best work towards your goals.

  • Home modifications are custom-built changes to your home to help you access and use areas of your home. We offer minor home modifications, such as ramps or grab rails. Our Occupational Therapists will assess your home and work with builders to deliver customised solutions to optimise your independence.

  • Our occupational therapists utilise their knowledge of the latest products and technology to find specialised seating solutions that maximise your mobility, independence and comfort. We work with trusted suppliers of chairs, headrests and cushions to find a product suited to your needs.

  • Upper Limb Therapy involves rehabilitation of the hand and upper limb, often following a stroke or brain injury. Our occupational therapists will work with you to maintain or improve function in your upper limb to enhance your independence in your home and community.

  • Our Occupational Therapists can assess your ability to transfer and mobilise and develop a manual handling plan. This plan can be used to guide your support workers so that they can best support your daily needs. We also offer manual handling training to support workers.

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