Privacy Policy

Policy Statement

Thrive Health Therapies is committed to safeguarding the confidentiality of personal or health information collected about our service users and staff. Individuals have the right to control how their personal information is collected and used, so we have created procedures that protect privacy with regard to the collection, storage and disclosure of personal and health information. Our Privacy Policy applies to all services offered by Thrive Health Therapies and complies with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth).

How we manage data and information

Collecting personal or health information

Thrive Health Therapies collects information regarding the personal details and health history of service users to ensure the highest quality of service provision. Thrive Health Therapies will only collect personal or health information with consent, except in specified circumstances including emergencies or as required or permitted by law. Information regarding staff members is collected for administrative and workplace health and safety purposes. Individuals do not have to supply Thrive Health Therapies with their personal or health information. However, if the individual chooses not to, we may be unable to provide the service required or engage the individual.

Using and disclosing personal or health information

Thrive Health Therapies intends to only use an individual's personal or health information:


  • in the case of Thrive Health Therapies’ clients or service users, in the provision of services or for other internal business functions such as assessing risk or auditing; or


  • in the case of Thrive Health Therapies’ employees or contractors, for administrative or workplace health and safety purposes.


We recognise the importance of individuals providing their personal or health information. We will not use or disclose any information about individuals for other purposes without consent, except in exceptional cases, such as if disclosure is required by law or is necessary to protect the rights or property of Thrive Health Therapies or any other individual, or to lessen a serious threat to a person's health or safety. Thrive Health Therapies may contact individuals on the phone numbers or at the postal address provided to us for the purposes listed above. If an individual is receiving material from Thrive Health Therapies that they no longer wish to receive, the individual can ask that their details be removed from our mailing list.

Accessing the information we keep

If at any time an individual wants to know what personal information has been provided to us, the Thrive Health Therapies Privacy Officer can be contacted on the number listed at the end of this information. If an individual requests access to the personal information we hold about them, or to change that personal information, upon this request we will give the individual access, unless it is determined to be unreasonable for the reasons set out in our Privacy Policy. If we deny access to information we will set out our reasons for denying access in writing. Where there is a dispute about the right to access information or forms of access, this will be dealt with in accordance with the Thrive Health Therapies Complaints Procedure. For more information, please contact the Privacy Officer.


Changing and deleting the information we keep

If at any time an individual wants to change personal information that is inaccurate or out of date, or if personal information needs to be deleted, the Privacy Officer should be contacted on the number at the end of this section. We will take all reasonable steps to amend or delete the information unless we need to keep it for legal or contractual reasons. If a request for change is refused Thrive Health Therapies will set out, in writing, the reasons for refusal. We will not charge the individual for making the request or correcting information.

If you wish to withdraw consent or change consent to disclose information, this can be completed at any time with completion of a new Client Consent Form.


Storage and security of personal information

Thrive Health Therapies will take all reasonable steps to keep secure any information that is held about individuals and to keep this information accurate and up to date, including information that is stored electronically. Thrive Health Therapies will safely store your Personal Information in our Client Management system. Thrive Health Therapies will keep client information for 7 years or longer where legislated. 

Our employees and contractors are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us. Thrive Health Therapies is not, however, responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to an individual's personal information.

Problems or Questions?

Contact Thrive Health Therapies if you have any ongoing concerns or problems with the personal information we hold because we take these issues seriously and will address the matter. If you have any further queries regarding our Privacy Policy, need to change or delete information, or have a problem or complaint, please contact our privacy officer.

Privacy Officer

Ph: 0474 248 081


You can also contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) directly by:

Calling 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677

Accessing the National Relay Service and asking for 1800 035 544

Completing a complaint contact form