What is a Functional Capacity Assessment?

Functional Capacity refers to a person’s ability to do their daily tasks and activities in their home and community.

A Functional Capacity Assessment analyses your functional capacity to identify your needs and support requirements

How can a Functional Capacity Assessment help you?

A Functional Capacity Assessment will help you to identify what activities you can do independently and what activities you need assistance with, how much support you need and whether any assistive technology or home modifications would allow you to live more independently.

Our occupational therapists produce tailored and thorough reports to provide evidence of your disability and functional capacity, ensuring that you have the right level of support and funding to achieve your goals.

We also make recommendations regarding housing to support participants who are applying for Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).

Who completes a functional capacity assessment?

Occupational Therapists (OT) complete functional capacity assessments. OTs are skilled therapists who help people to live a fulfilling and meaningful life through finding ways to enhance their daily activities and social connectivity.

How long will it take?

Functional Capacity Assessments take between 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the complexity of each assessment. Further time is required for reporting.

What does the assessment entail?

The OT will ask you and your supports a series of questions to better understand your current function and needs. They may ask you to complete a daily living task such as making yourself a cup of tea and complete a formal outcome measure which involves asking more detailed questions. We utilise gold standard outcome measures as appropriate for the individual participant (Vineland-3, ABAS-3, WHODAS-2).

They will also assess that any assistive technology is appropriate and that your home environment is safe.

What takes place after an OT assessment is completed?

Once the OT completes the assessment, they will present their findings in a report. This report will outline your current functional capacity, needs, and any recommendations to improve your function. This report will provide evidence of your disability and functional capacity to ensure you have the right level of support and funding to achieve your goals.

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