PhysioGait Harness System: How can it help me?

Client using physiogait harness system for rehabilitation with physiotherapist in clinic

What is a PhysioGait harness system?

The Physiogait system is a piece of equipment that helps modify the amount of weight you are putting through your legs to assist with things like standing and walking. You are suspended in a harness supported by a movable apparatus frame. It is useful for people who have reduced muscle strength in their legs or reduced balance and postural control. As such, it is a useful rehabilitation tool for a range of diagnosis such as spinal cord injury, stroke and traumatic brain injury.

What are the benefits of using the PhysioGait?

  • Improve functional strength of legs

  • Maintain, or improve hip, knee and ankle mobility

  • Improve aerobic fitness through the ability to complete high repetitions of movement

  • Focus on key areas of walking which may be too difficult or unsafe to complete without a suspension system

  • Improved lymphatic drainage and circulation

  • Offset decreases in bone mineral density in lower limbs caused from chronic minimal load bearing

  • Positive mental health benefits of being upright and at eye level with others

Types of PhysioGait training

Over Ground Training

Over ground training is where the PhysioGait is positioned on the ground and you control the speed and the direction of movement. This type of training mimics day to day walking and allows you to work on your propulsion or ability to push off the ground to take a step forwards, as well as focus on the different stages of walking you have difficulty with. The amount of load, or weight through your legs can also be adjusted through the PhysioGait to make it easier, or more challenging.

Treadmill Training

Treadmill training provides a constant speed of movement through the moving belt and removes the need for you to create the forward propulsion. This can allow for a greater volume of training to occur which means greater amounts of repetition which we know is important for neuroplasticity. 

Contact us today to find out how the PhysioGait can assist your rehabilitation!


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